Wednesday, May 12, 2010

National Lab Day Seeks to Leverage Hands-on Learning to Broaden Science's Appeal

What Ive read today:

The U.S. is lagging in science and math education-- on a 2006 international test , American teens scored below the average for developed nations in both scientific and mathematical literacy. But the U.S. has traditionally been a tech haven, bestowing on the world the iPod, Microsoft Word and Google (not to mention the predecessor to the Internet itself). So it is fitting that someone would ...
And this:
From worms to big green environmentally-friendly SEPTA busses, Science Day at Grey Nun Academy had something for everybody.
As well as:
NORTH BRANCH — Girls Scouts Heart of New Jersey is offering a new “uniquely Girls!” program, which encourages girls to experience the world of science around them. original. This is my blog

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